
Spring Onion

  • Asia Pacific Vegetables
  • Soft
  • Long Cut Ready To Cook Pack
  • 200 Gram
  • 4-5 Days
  • Malaysia

Product details of Spring Onion

Usage: Want to try making a dish without having to follow a complicated recipe but also having all the nutrients and flavour you want? How about you try adding fresh vegetables to your recipe. Add fresh spring onion to your dish. By adding green onions, you can have the tasty dish you want, but also healthy at the same time. Fresh spring onions have many names, such as fresh spring onions, green onions, onion sticks, table onions, and more. An onion stick's subtle, sweet onion taste gives your dish depth. They may be used either fresh or cooked, and their flavour can go well with various ingredients. Table onions are a wonderful source of the antioxidants and fibre that the body needs, as well as the vitamins C and K. They are a nutritious addition to your meal because they have little calories and fat. Get your spring onions together, place them on a cutting board, and begin chopping! Enjoy a nutritious dish later on that has all the flavour of spring onions in it.

You can use salad onion in a variety of ways in your cooking:

  1. You can use the long onions as a garnish. Finely chop the long onions and sprinkle the thinly sliced green onions over soups, salads, and stir-fries for more flavor and texture. There are some instances where Japanese food sprinkle spring onions for their delicacies such as their ramen. Most of their ramen noodles have spring onions as garnish.
  2. Add your wild onions to stir-fry. Cut the wild onions into bite-sized pieces and add them to your recipe during the last few minutes of cooking. This adds a fresh, mild onion flavor and a bit of crunch.
  3. You can also add baby onion to your omelette and frittata. Take some gibbons, chop them, and add them to your omelet or frittata mixture before cooking to add a delicious and savory flavor.
  4. You can use them in dips and spreads. Finely chop syboe and mix them into dips and spreads, such as hummus or guacamole, for added texture and taste.
  5. You can enjoy them grilled or roasted. Toss whole scallions with a bit of salt, oil, and pepper, and grill or roast them until they are slightly charred and tender. Friend or grilled spring onions make a great side dish or topping for burgers and sandwiches.

Use your creativity on how to use fresh spring onions and make your meals taste much better.

Certifications: Asia Pacific Vegetable Trading Sdn. Bhd. has been selling vegetables since 2009, and has received a few acknowledgments from a few organizations, such as:

  1. Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) Halal-Certified: As they are selling food items, they have been audited by JAKIM (Department of Islamic Development Malaysia) to see if their products are safe to use for Muslims. From farming the vegetables, to how they handle the shipping, they have been cleared of any items that might not be suitable for use by Muslims. And since they have complied with the Shariah regulatory rules, they have been awarded with a Halal certification by JAKIM.

  2. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Award: This award is given to manufacturers who have met the criteria for how they control hazards in ensuring their products are safe for human use. And Asia Pacific Vegetable Trading Sdn. Bhd. has met all their required criteria and thus given the HACCP award.

  3. Makanan Selamat Tanggungjawab Industri (MeSTI) Award: This award is awarded to manufacturers who have met the standards for handling food in Malaysia. To receive this award, the company must first have a staff attend the Good Manufacturing Process (GMP) workshop and undergo training in food handling. After they have finished their training, their premises will be audited to make sure it meets the MeSTI standards, in which afterward, if everything is cleared, the manufacturer will receive the MeSTI certificate.

Storage Instructions: To keep spring onions fresh and last for several days, there are some things you can do to make them last longer:

  1. Trim the ends. Cut the roots of spring onions and any wilted or yellowed onion leaves found on the spring onions. Trimmed spring onions can last longer.
  2. Rinse and dry. When using spring onions, you must wash the spring onions to clean off any dirt. After use, rinse the spring onions under running water, and afterward, pat them down with a paper towel to keep them dry.
  3. Store in a jar. After using your spring onions, to keep them clean and fresh, you can store them in a jar filled with cold water. Cover the container with a lid or plastic bag to keep it from drying out. You need to change the water every day if you want the spring onions to keep fresh.
  4. The easiest step is to store them in a refrigerator. After you have finished using spring onions for your meal, rinse them under running water and store them in a refrigerator where you can control the temperature. The optimal temperature for storing spring onions is 1-4°C (33.8-39.2°F).

Packaging Instructions: The vacuum-sealed packaging keeps the spring onion fresh for a long time. It also protects the spring onions from outside germs, keeping them clean for later use. The spring onions can be bought pre-washed and cut or whole. The spring onion has to be kept in refrigerator chilled between 1-4°C(33.8-39.2°F). If properly stored, the spring onions can last 4-5 days of shelf life. There is no minimal quantity for ordering the product, it is simply negotiable.

Overview of Spring Onions


Spring onions are a type of vegetables that belongs to the Allium family. Allium is short for Amaryllidaceae, which are a family of herbaceous, mainly perennial and bulbous flowering plants in the monocot order Asparagales. Some other vegetables that belong in the same family are garlic, scallions, leeks, and chives. They are typically harvested when they are young and have long, slender green leaves with a small white bulb at the base. There are several health benefits to eating spring onions such as they are low in calories, rich in vitamins, contains antioxidants and may improve digestion.

Spring onions can be used in multiple ways. It can be used in salads. It can also be used to make onion garnish. The garnish can be used for soups, stews, ramens, and such. It can also be used in stir-fries. Stir-fried meals are easy to make, and delicious to the mouth. Chopped spring onions can also be added to omelettes, frittata, or scrambled eggs.

About Asia Pacific Vegetables Trading Sdn. Bhd.


Asia Pacific Vegetables Trading Sdn. Bhd. manufacture and distribute high-quality vegetables throughout Malaysia. Their brand of spring onion is wrapped and vacuum-sealed by their team of experts. The product weighs 200 grams for the long cut and 100 grams for the pre-washed cut.

Spring Onion Specifications:


  1. Brand Name: Asia Pacific Vegetables
  2. Texture: Soft
  3. Feature: Long Cut, Pre-Washed and Cut, Ready to be cooked
  4. Weight: 200 grams (Long Cut), !00 grams (Pre-Washed and Cut)
  5. Shelf Life: 4-5 Days
  6. Country of Origin: Malaysia
  7. Ideally Served: As a garnish, Topping for burgers or sandwiches, extra flavour for stir-fry, extra texture and flavour for omelette and frittata, extra flavour for dips and spreads

>Asia Pacific Vegetables Trading Sdn Bhd

Asia Pacific Vegetables Trading Sdn Bhd

  • Malaysia
  • Malaysia
  • Business Type
  • Manufacturer
  • Membership
    • Gold Supplier
    • Gold Supplier
  • Verified Supplier
  • Verified Supplier
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