Cleaning Chemical Supplier Malaysia: Serai Wangi
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Buy Serai Wangi at the best price from cleaning chemicals supplier Malaysia, Sara Shaza. Serai wangi acts as insect repellent spray with lemongrass flavors.
Using repellents to repel mosquitoes is one of the most common uses. Insect repellents can also be used to prevent bites, rashes, and rashes from mosquito bites. Mosquito bites can cause severe skin irritation through an allergic reaction to mosquito saliva.
During the 20th century, malaria was eradicated in temperate regions of the world using DDT and other organophosphorus pesticides. To date, however, approximately half of the world's population in tropical or subtropical regions may contract malaria from mosquito bites. More than 229 million malaria cases occurred in 2019, most of them in Africa. It is estimated that more than 400,00 people die each year. Deaths from malaria occur primarily in children under the age of 5 in sub-Saharan Africa.
Insect repellants and arachnids such as yellow jackets, bees, wasps, bumblebees, certain ants or spiders that bite in self-defense are not repellent.
How do insect repellants work?
Humans attract mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects through breath and skin odor. Insects are attracted to carbon dioxide from human breath.
Repellents are only effective on skin areas and treated surfaces, so mosquitoes may still be seen flying nearby. Insect repellants contain an ingredient that repels mosquitoes; however, repellents do not kill insects. Insect repellants with higher active ingredient concentrations (percentages) generally provide longer-lasting protection.
For safety reasons, repellents are should keep away from children.
Buy serai wangi at the best price from Sara Shaza today!
Available Packaging:
• Package size available: 1L
• Carton size available: 1L X 2 bottles per carton
• Pallet size available: 8 cartons per pallet
Recommended usage:
• Normal use- 100 ml with 500 ml water
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