
Round Cabbage

  • Fresh4u
  • Crunchy
  • Fat free and cholesterol free
  • 3-5 Days
  • Malaysia

Product details of Round Cabbage

Usage: Round cabbage is a versatile vegetable that has a crunchy texture. It is often used in many Asian dishes. Stir-frying the cabbage has long been a popular method of preparing it. So, if you wish to make the delectable dish, a simple recipe is provided below.

Ingredients: 400g (14oz) of round cabbage, 2 tablespoons (1 fl oz) of cooking oil, 10g (0.3oz) of minced garlic, 1 tablespoon (0.5oz) of oyster sauce, chillies (optional), 1 tablespoon (0.5oz) of sesame oil (optional). 

1. Firstly, you need to make sure the round cabbage is well washed. Make sure they are clean, then pat them dry using kitchen towels. In order to prevent the cabbages from becoming mushy during stir-frying, it is crucial to ensure that they are dry.
2. Next, after drying, cut it into chunky pieces. You may also shred the cabbage using a shredder for an easier alternative. 
3. After that, on a medium-high heat, add frying oil to a wok or a frying pan. Add garlic and chillies.
4. Stir-fry the garlic and chilies in the wok until they begin to sizzle and emit a faint scent.
5. Then, add the round cabbages and stir fry for two to three minutes. Be careful not to burn them. 
6. Add oyster sauce, sesame oil and continue to stir well for 30 seconds. 
7. After the round cabbage is cooked, you may remove it from the wok and transfer it to a serving plate.

Although it is usually served with steaming white rice, it is good enough to be consumed on its own. You may enjoy it however you like! 

Storage instruction(s): This round cabbage from Fresh4u has a shelf life of three to five days. To ensure that it stays fresh for a longer period of time, we strongly advise storing it in a ziplock plastic bag in a refrigerator set to a temperature of -4° to 0°C (32° to 40°F).  However, it's better to consume it within five days to avoid nutritional loss.

Packaging: F&H Agrifood will be packaging their fresh produce, including round cabbages with all the necessary packing materials to avoid any damages to the package. They will also make sure that all of the produce is delivered safely and fresh. 

Customers will have to order a minimum of one 20ft (6.1 metres) container for each order. This round cabbage may be mixed with various fresh produce from F&H Agrifood in a single container. If you would like to opt for LCL, though, kindly get in touch with us. We will do everything we can to comply with your request.

Certificate(s): Fresh4u has received the following certification for all of their products, including round cabbage: 

  1. HACCP: A system for determining and controlling risk associated with food safety is known as Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP). Receiving this accreditation demonstrates to customers, the general public, and regulatory agencies that a company's food safety management is in good hands. F&H Agrifood has spent over six months perfecting a system that adheres to HACCP to ensure that all of their fresh produce, including round cabbage is risk-free and is safe to be consumed. Eventually, they achieved it by working together as a team. They received the certification through SIRIM QAS International in 2011. Thus, the public can consume all of the vegetables and fruits by F&H Agrifood without any worries. 

Round Cabbage Overview

Cabbage is a leafy vegetable that originated from Europe and it comes in many different varieties. For instance, it comes in either a flat or round shape. And they also come in colours such as red, purple and green. Savoy cabbage, napa also known as chinese cabbage and leaf cabbage are some of the examples of it. Since they share a similar appearance, lettuce and cabbage are frequently clubbed together; nonetheless, cabbage is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family. The term "cruciferous vegetable" refers to a variety of vegetables, including brussels sprouts, bok choy, cauliflower, and many others. 

This round cabbage can be integrated into many meals from around the world. However, Asian foods are where it works best. You may be familiar with meals that include cabbage, such as stir-fried cabbage, cabbage thoran, cabbage soup, and Chinese stuffed cabbage. All of these meals are incredibly tasty especially if the cabbages used are fresh.

F&H Agrifood’s round cabbage also known as kobis bulat or kubis is fully grown in Cameron Highlands, Pahang where they are carefully picked, inspected and cleaned. They have a low calorie value and contain no fat or cholesterol. It is not too late to switch to a healthy diet, so why not opt to consume cabbages, which will undoubtedly be beneficial to you. Additionally, it is abundant in antioxidants, which can help you to stay youthful. 

About F&H Agrifood Sdn Bhd

F&H Agrifood Sdn Bhd was first established in April 2009. They are also known as Fresh4u. All of their produce, including round cabbage is farmed in Cameron Highlands, Pahang and then transported to their factory in Puchong Industrial Park, Selangor. They initially started the company with a vision of wanting to provide high quality vegetables that are fresh to customers' doors in a short period of time. They achieved this goal by eliminating the middleman role in their business. Customers gain a lot from this move since it enables them to save a significant amount of money while also enabling them to quickly receive fresh vegetables.

All produce such as round cabbage, lady finger, and romaine lettuce by Fresh4u will go through a process of inspection, grading, pruning, and cleaning after they arrive at the facility in Selangor. This is to ensure that all of the vegetables are safe to be consumed before shipping them to the customers. They also only choose vegetables that are flawless in order to make customers satisfied with their purchases. When it comes to offering high-quality fresh veggies, their management team upholds the "no compromise" concept. This is because high quality ingredients are what makes our food taste good and without fresh cooking ingredients, we cannot make high quality dishes. 

Fresh4u is very meticulous in packaging in order to give their consumers fresh vegetables. They invested in more high-quality packaging and carefully handle each customers’ order to maintain the freshness of the vegetables during delivery. 

Round Cabbage Specification(s)

- Origin country: Malaysia
- HACCP certified
- Texture: Cruncy
- High in antioxidants, low calorie
- No fat or cholesterol 
- Shelf life: 3 to 5 days

>F&H Agrifood Sdn Bhd

F&H Agrifood Sdn Bhd

  • Malaysia
  • Malaysia
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  • Distributor/Wholesaler
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    • eTrade Supplier
    • eTrade Supplier
  • Verified Supplier
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  • Verified Quality
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