Thoyyib Pharma Industries Sdn Bhd is located in the industrial area of Nilai, a supplement products manufacturer including collagen mixed drinks. Operating since last 10 years, this company not only produces its own products but also given the trust of leading brand manufacturers. More than 5 products collagen drinks of various brands have been produced according to the needs and demands of the customers even collagen drink products Thoyyib Pharma Industries has penetrated overseas markets such as Brunei, Singapore and Indonesia. Collagen ingredient in beverages such as coffee, fruit fiber - fruits, soybeans, cocoa and others. Most importantly, the company ensures that used a mixture of collagen and clean (halal) and natural. The company is sticking to the concept of recognition Halalan Toyyiba with Halal logo from JAKIM since 2001. It is also categorized as a GMP (good manufacturing practices) and meets the standards set. Collagen drink products Thoyyib Pharma products Indudtries using Bovine and Marine collagen as a major source of imported from Foreign Countries like China and France. Factory and worker hygiene is also very concern that GMP are maintained. Further follow-up research carried out from time to time to improve product quality halal collagen further develops the industry in this country. Now, there is no reason in getting collagen from halal sources.
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